To describe a noun (N2) by using another noun(N1), place の between the two nouns. N1 is a modifier of N2. の indicates various relationships between N1 and N2.
country | sex | language | ownership | kind | |
people |
アメリカの がくせい (an American student) |
おんなの ひと (a woman) |
にほんごの せんせい (a teacher of Japanese) |
わたしの こども (my child) |
がいこくの ひと (a foreigner) |
things |
マレーシアの きって (a stamp from Malaysia) |
- |
にほんごの テープ (a tape in Japanese) |
あなたの かばん (your bag) |
へやの かぎ (a room key) |
ジョンさんは アメリカの がくせいです。
John is an American student.
In the above example, の shows that N2 is a member of N1.