Use of から after the te-form of V1 clearly indicates temporal order of two actions. V2 occurs after the action represented by V1 is completed. Unlike the " V1て、V2て、V3... " pattern (Lesson 11-5) which presents a sequence of actions, てから focuses on the completion of V1. Thus:
I'm going to buy mandarin oranges after their price goes down more.
父は いつも おふろに 入ってから、ねます。
My father always goes to bed after taking a bath.
マナさんは 日本ごを べんきょうしてから、日本へ 来ました。
Mana studied Japanese, and then came to Japan.
Lesson 5-13「アリさんは けさ しんぶんを よみました。それから、ごはんを たべました。」
This morning Ali read the newspaper. After that, he had breakfast.