The action represented by V2 occurs after the action represented by V1 has taken place. The tense of the whole sentence is determined by the sentence ending. The Ta-form (Vた) of verbs is used before あとで. The meaning expressed by "V1たあとで、V2" is very close to that of "V1てから、V2." However, Vてから implies that the two actions take place consecutively, whereas Vた あとで does not always have this connotation. If V1 is one of the "VN (action noun) +する " verbs, "VNのあとで、V" is also possible.
Changeて/で at the end of the Te-form to た/だ
5だんどうし / consonant-root verbs / -u verbs | |||
1だんどうし / vowel-root verbs / -ru verbs | |||
ふきそくどうし / irregular verbs | |||
学生たちは、見学を した あとで、さくぶんを 書きます。
The students will write a report after going on the study trip.
しょくじを した あとで、この くすりを のんで ください。
Please take this medicine after you have eaten.
学生たちは、見学の あとで、さくぶんを 書きます。
The students will write a report after the study tour.
しょくじの あとで、この くすりを のんで ください。
Please take this medicine after meals.
Lesson 11-6「おふろに はいってから、ねます。」
I go to bed after taking a bath