The above expresses possession. The construction is the same as the one presented in Lesson 18-4. Here, N2 is a family member/relative/friend. The verb ある can be replaced by いる.
わたしは 兄が 二人 あります。
I have two older brothers.
よしださんは おくさんが あります。
Mr. Yoshida has a wife.
Lesson 18-4「父は 用事が あります。」
My father has something to do.
It indicates occupation or a position in an institution(e.g., farmer, teacher, medical doctor, nurse, lawyer, company president). In many cases, this expression is used for specialized jobs(i.e., specialists).
兄は 先生を して います。
My older brother is a school teacher.
りょうしんは 農業を やって います。
My parents are farmers.