When a verb of emotion is used in the above causative construction, it indicates that Y's emotion/feeling is evoked by what X does. Verbs of emotions/feelings that can be used in the causative form are: わらう(laugh; smile), おこる(get angry), よろこぶ(be pleased), つかれる(be tired), びっくりする(be surprised), 心配する(be concerned), etc.
In this case, there is no difference in social standing between X and Y. Note that Y is marked by を, not に.
田中さんは、じょうだんを言って、みんなを わらわせました。
Mr./Ms. Tanaka made everybody laugh by telling a joke.
わたしは、大きい声を出して、友だちを びっくりさせました。
I surprised my friends by raising my voice.